
Transatlantic Relations

The election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States has brought new dynamics into transatlantic relations. Should we see the current weakening of the special bond as a deviation, or is it a result of a long-term trend? How can Europe cope with the new American unilateralism and protectionism? Are we ready to take care of our own security? Are the NATO-EU relations still a special part of the Western alliance? How will they look like in the era of Trump and relaunch of the EU’s security and defence project? And is the US-EU trade dispute finally on a course for de-escalation?

These questions served as a basis for open exchange of views on the current state of the transatlantic relations between experts from Think Tanks, the Ministry on Foreign Affairs, Research Institutes and the Office of the Governemnt of the Czech Republic. The round table discussion was organised by the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Office of the Governement in the Czech Republic, on Tuesday 4.10.2018 in Prague. Almut Möller, director of the Berlin office of the European Council on Foreign Relations highlighted the debate with a keynote speek.


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